miércoles, julio 12, 2006

Vision for 2007

1. To work in the new church project in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona).

  1. We will be helping the church to make a new project of church, a relevant project, not just for the city of Vilanova but for whole country, and make possible that that church can be a light in Spain.

My responsibility is to prepare and encourage the small groups.

Make 3 missioner trips to South America:

a. Peru 2006 (October 9-24)

To make a trip to the cities of Chimbote, san Ramón and Huancayo, where we will preach, give training, make pastoral work, organize and define the next trip and make a study about future medical projects in Peru.

b. Peru 2007 (August)

To go with the team from Valencia (Spain) to build houses for the brothers of the church, to make a children program, to take, install and teach to use hardware for several churches, to make pastoral work.

c. Paraguay 2007 (medical project in November)

To go to Paraguay with a medical team of 3 nurses, a doctor, a nurse aid and a logistics person and make a tripn with a mobile hospital through the poorer villages of Paraguay offering free medical care and spiritual care.

Prayer Items.

Cristina´s work and university.

To do our work with excellence.

Our health.

To get the funds for our salaries.

Funds for our projects.